Meet Shani, an Amala Alumnus determined to finish her secondary education in Malaysia

Our next inspiring Amala Alumnus is Shani from Somalia. Shani completed our online Ethical Leadership course that we ran in 2019 in partnership with Fugee; a non profit championing refugee equality through advocacy, and education and entrepreneurship programmes in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

How did you find out about the Amala course and what made you want to apply?

I was already studying with Fugee on their GED programme when I first heard about this new Amala course on Ethical Leadership. We didn’t have this kind of course in Somalia. I used to go to school just to study and take lessons, but this course has been different, like an interesting project which has taught me a lot of things. The course really makes us ask questions about what we are studying, and answer it as an article, which allows me to express my opinions and imaginations. 

How did you find studying the course entirely online?

The course was all online which was not exactly what I wanted but the teachers were fun, they were really good teachers. I was able to finish the course and didn’t get unmotivated!  

What was one thing that stood out to you on the course?

I learned a lot about the Maslow Pyramid, and how to separate the needs and the wants, which is something I can use when I become a leader and help my people. I also learned how to schedule my time and use maps to write what I’m thinking emotionally, to induce the best decision.

I never had my own opinion but after I studied this course, and during the course, I started telling people my opinion. I have never really done that before in my life! It felt good to share with people - I believe this is something our community really needs. This especially needs to be taught to girls, so that we can stand for ourselves. In Somalia you can't even tell the teacher your opinion. 

How did you feel when you started the course compared to when you finished it?

I have changed so much during the course, the way I lead people, even in assemblies I have more empathy as I am able to put other people's positions in mind. I am experimenting with my leadership styles, I try to use the coaching style, and feel I am already a leader in my class. 

When I first arrived in Malaysia they put me in a foundation class. I hated education because I was angry they put me in a low class because I came from Somalia. This course has boosted my confidence and I know I am going to reach Grade 9 by myself. I started to take care of myself, and even if I am a refugee here I can still do so many things for myself. You shouldn't stop something just because something happened to you. 

What have you been doing since completing the course?

Basically I have been in school and have joined different projects. Since doing this course everything has really been going well. I’m in Grade 9 this year and I really don’t know what my future has for me but I am so excited for Grade 9. 

What are your goals for the future?

My dream is to become an engineering astronaut for NASA! I didn't have this opportunity in Somalia, it was not talked about but since I have been here I have been curious. I have been reading books about space and watching youtube videos about NASA. It is all so new to me, that the world has a lot of things in a lot of places. 

I wish I could give this kind of opportunity to study Ethical Leadership to my friends in Somalia. They would be so interested, especially in the projects and writing articles. I want to provide my community with computers and internet so they can watch videos and be inspired, and see what other countries have. I want them to see what the world is doing! A lot of people in Europe have things like computers, and since I can’t provide new ones I want to take the computers that they dont use and give them to refugee communities. This is my idea!

What would you say to students considering this course?

The course has really opened my eyes to different mindset of people and leadership. It has given me creativity to think more. I never asked myself about refugees until I took this course, like I said it has made me think of other countries. I don’t think I will ever forget it. I wish I could provide this course to my friends - I hope it reaches everywhere! 

Is there anything else you want to say?

The course also made me realise that if you need something you need to ask for it. No one will come to you and say do you need these opportunities. You have to stand for yourself and grab these opportunities. 


Amala welcomes its third cohort of students to the High School Diploma in Amman, Jordan


Pathway to accreditation: Amala becomes a member of Council of International Schools